It's All About Research And Mixing !!!!
Everybody is looking for a change, from a person to
environment. Why we need changes? Reason
is that we get bored with the repetitive task. It’s not like that you didn't
want to do it, it could have been the priority at that time when you started it
,later when you achieved the task
successfully and you followed the same work pattern again and again without any
changes or without any innovation, gradually it became a boredom . Life is all
about colors, a variety of colors, we need to change them one by one, we can
research by mixing different colors, you never know what sort of mixing and
research can give you the ultimate color and one day you would be able to
generate the revolutionary mixing. Hence whenever we feel like
"change" we must look for research and mixing to maintain the
sustainability of our dreams, more over to make us feel better.
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