"The slower you go, the further you get", – my dearest
grandmother used to say this to me.
“If you go faster, you can step into something, hurt yourself, or even worth, break your leg. When you rushing, you forget things, you make sleek mistakes, that could cause many delays in your life! It’s better to walk slower, so you can look around yourself. When you look around, you remember beauty of buildings, old architecture or new, always a little bit of history. When you walk slower, you can see also what is happening in front of you, could be a group of teens, smoking and joking on the streets, you have time to walk around them, so they don’t hurt you if you are a girl, and for a boy also to be safe.”
Remember, we are talking about communism times, where after WWII, people where scared of death, happy to be alive, and nice to each other. There was not a single family, who had all family members survived after the war. Every family had someone lost to the war. I can say, that the streets were very safe to walk anytime a day or night.
Today the world is getting more dangerous, more advanced, if that’s the right way to say. Kids don’t have limits! They want it all! Sometimes slower, we can get more things done, it’s rational. Not necessarily, it’s the right way, and for sure there is no right or wrong. It makes sense, but for me, myself?
I rush, I push, I make it faster. I can’t wait so long, I got to have it now, I needed it now, I want it now….
Of course I slow down to think,… and that’s the key,
…….my thinking and calculations shows me how well I go fast.
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