Thursday, 31 March 2016
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Let the world know your brand. Let's promote online.
You have introduced a brilliant idea of product or service and have promoted through local means. Even you have taken a step ahead of having a website. Now it is the time to promote the business to the world. You need customers and customers need to know what you do. The most suitable medium is to promote your product or service online. By using various means of promotional tools it is of course to the right mode to let the word out to the world. If you are not very sure on how to do it then we at Sanicon digital solutions are the right people for your help. We work together for helping you reach your business aim by incorporating the balanced mix of digital marketing tools for better results.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Is digital market a worth for businesses?
As the people are getting more close to the required information through Internet, the business are gaining their markets with the same media as well. Today digital marketers can study the consumer trends and behavior socially and can adapt to the changes to meet their demands. However, we cannot overrule the importance of traditional media along with the digital media. The blend of both the strategies can definitely bring in more sales and returns for the business.
Let us see further how digital media is beneficial over the traditional media and can benefit the business
Expanded market area:
The basic reason for the business to enter in the digital marketing is to expand the business to the global market. The digital media helps the business to move out of the local market to reach the customer sitting thousands of miles across. This leads to more competition and more of business to flow in.
A fair play field for all business segments:
Today the small business do not have to struggle a lot to compete with the bigger names. A planned strategy online can give them a fair chance to compete in the field
Cost efficient:
Traditional media is a bit expensive medium if the business has to expand to the wider markets and the results are not realistic and slow. The digital media is faster and spreads wider across the globe with less expenses incurred.
Returns are easily measured: The time spent on fetching results is faster and gives the opportunity to the business to make the changes in the strategy accordingly. The traffic can be easily measured in terms of what sources they are coming from, how long they are staying on and their return possibilities are easily captured and measured.
Gives opportunity to make changes in strategies and product developments: The real time results and fair customer feedbacks gives the business an opportunity to work on adapting the marketing strategies accordingly and also helps to expand their business by available information for r&D and introduction to new products.
Converts the business into Brand: A well designed and maintained website and up to date marketing techniques can help the business to leave their footprints in the digital world and can lead to significant audience and business generation thus maintaining the brand in the market.
Faster promotions:
Online media helps the business to float the information in the market with the click of the mouse or simply by hitting the button. The chances of getting the customers is increased with the faster pace. However, it should also be kept in mind that the way a positive note floats with the air, the negative information can also go viral. Hence, the business has to be careful about what is going out.
It is not mind boggling: We do not like to get promotional calls or unwanted promotional mails. The digital media gives the opportunity to the non-organic buyers to manage the information coming to them thus yielding to getting more organic visitors.
Friday, 18 March 2016
Stay ahead of your competitors. Go digital
The world is quickly moving from analogue to digital. Individuals are consuming more digital substance on a daily basis – on cell telephones, tablets, desktop PCs at work, and the sky's the limit from there – and organizations need to adjust to this headway sooner before their business rivals take a lead. Infact in today's situation the one who has perceived this into their marketing strategy are the ones who have made their brands. Now that you are wanting to venture into the digital world and not certain how to begin with or are tight in budget we at Sanicon digital solutions are available for promoting your brand and helping to gain market.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Ever Wondered What it's Like Inside a McDonald's Happy Meal?

The week-long film, music, and interactive media extravaganza known as South by Southwest kicks off in Austin on Friday. Event-goers will be treated to keynotes byPresident Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. They’ll get to view Netflix’s Pee-wee Herman remake, among other film premieres, and listen to indie bands with weird names. They’ll also get to experience the inside of a McDonald’s Happy Meal.
Say what? Yes, McDonald’s will be on hand—this year marks the company’s second involvement and corporate sponsorship at SXSW—and so will a virtual reality “experience” they’ve put together that lets attendees feel like they’re stepping into a giant Happy Meal. According to the fast food chain, users will get to custom design the interior of a Happy Meal Box with virtual paint brushes, balloons, and lasers.
Here’s how it works: Users wear HTC Vive virtual reality goggles and step inside the “experience.” Using two hand-held controllers, they can then pick their brush or other tool and decorate away. When done, they’ll be able to share their creation across social media. The gimmicky exhibit, which was co-developed with a VR studio named Groove Jones, is just one example of the company’s recent efforts to transform its image (and offerings) via a new digital strategy, part of which is being more open to collaborations with smaller, more innovative companies. And, apparently, sponsoring SXSW.
“The main driver for our presence [at SXSW] is to demonstrate that we’re open for business with the tech ecosystem,” says Atif Rafiq, McDonald’s first chief digital officer, who joined the company about two years ago. “Being at SXSW makes that clear.”
In addition to the VR experience, McDonald’s has another, more practical techie demo at SXSW: self-service kiosks that let attendees order their own McNuggets. (The machines don’t actually make the food, which needs to be picked up at a nearby counter.)
“We see our mission as bringing a new level of everyday convenience and fun to the world,” says Rafiq. “We know where we have strength and what people know us for. We’re not trying to get into something that’s foreign for us.”
It’s not clear whether McDonald’s experimentation—and association—with the tech world will have any payoff for the company. (Unlike all-day breakfast, it is hard measuring the financial impact of branded VR experiences.) But CEO Steve Easterbrook has made it clear that digital efforts will be key to the company’s turnaround. McDonald’s MCD 0.07% already has several digital “hubs,” including a team in San Francisco and a new office in downtown Chicago. Chief digital officer Rafiq has been tasked with building a tech-savvy team to develop mobile apps and a digital marketing strategy. Case in point: In Sweden, McDonald’s is already experimenting with Happy Meal boxes that transform into virtual reality viewers. Apparently, VR experiences that let you step into a life-sized Happy Meal is just the beginning.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
4 reasons you should invest in SEO for business promotion
In today's world, digital marketing plays a vital role in business promotion. Regardless of the possibility that you have a site or an online store, it won't suffice if they are not searchable by the clients. Web crawlers take into account solicitations of millions of users searching for answers to their inquiries. The SEO helps your business to be accessible to the individuals who are searching for relevant inquiries and helps you to meet the business objective. Here are four noteworthy advantages of SEO for business.
SEO for better business visibility:
When people search for your products and services, you obviously want to appear on the top in the web crawler rankings as possible, and in the event that you can constantly appear in these entire search items that you are increasing more mindshare with every potential client. Chances are great that they will, in the long run, navigate to your site, and since you constantly showed in their entire search list, they will believe you considerably more which will yield in better brand position.
SEO for higher ROI:
As said, better visibility yield in brew business and here the part is SEO gets to be vital. When you pick the right catchphrases, the right SEO will pick up the consideration of the web crawlers and eventually acquire more of the audience share. For organizations that benefit from prominent keywords and create exceptionally visited web pages, the ROI could keep on growing exponentially.
SEO for leading competition:
At the point when two organizations with the comparable product or services contender in the digital market, the web index improved the site will probably have more clients and make more deals. This not just prompts better business results but also takes us to the following benefit.
SEO for business credibility
Remember the days when we take a gander at a business on yellow pages. The one said on the main page used to give a superior reliability and a feeling of trust. Same goes here with organizations accessible on the main page of the search engine. They are the ones who are introduced as more credible and acquire trust and loyalty of the intended interest group.
While numerous individuals accept SEO is outdated since it's been around for so long, it's anything but difficult to see that it still remains a focal piece of online marketing strategies and has developed to meet the present business needs. In order to gain the most out of SEO, the right approach and understanding of the search engine algorithm is much needed which we will cover in our coming post.
There are different sources online and additionally organizations that can support a brand's SEO positioning. Organizations needing to boost their current SEO performance and the individuals who are new to its capacities ought to begin to explore the unlimited open doors this tool offers for online exposure to consumers.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Go live with sanicon digital solutions- archive
When everyone is presenting their business online, expanding their market and gaining the benefits of digital marketing, it's time for you to take the step. A step ahead to enter in the digital world and go live. A step to expand your market and be available 24*7 for the buyers irrespective of the geographic location. With Sanicon digital solutions you can get all your business related services for digital presentation and marketing of your business so that you can get the best of the exposure.Act to expand. Act to go digital with Sanicon digital solutions.
Monday, 14 March 2016
How a failing airline helped Loblaw get personal with PC Plus marketing
It’s time for Canadian businesses to really get personal, according to the head of one of Canada’s best-known loyalty programs.
Although many companies are using analytics for marketing, not all are truly harnessing the power of personalization, said Peter Danforth, senior director of loyalty and customer analytics at Loblaw Companies Ltd.
His role includes overseeing PC Plus, the loyalty program where shoppers can earn points and receive offers for brands such as PC Financial banking and the Loblaws, No Frills and Zehrs grocery chains.
Many businesses still use data to merely divide their existing customer base into more defined segments, Danforth told the Canadian Marketing Association’s Insights analytics conference, held in Toronto on Thursday.
Instead, businesses accustomed to simply targeting market segments – like moms of babies vs. moms of teens, for example – should use today’s analytics and data processing power to tailor marketing to each individual customer, he suggested.
“Stop looking to segmentations to help define your customer strategies. No two customers are the same,” he said, adding that success is more likely “the closer you can get to dealing with (a customer) on a one-to-one level.”
Danforth told the audience that back in 2011, Loblaw tried to rethink the marketing strategy for its PC Plus loyalty plan. It was a tall order, considering that over 30 Loblaw-owned brands are included in that program.
Loblaw looked to the airline industry for inspiration, specifically U.S. carrier Delta Airlines. As Danforth explained, the airline sector often lost out on potential revenue when seats went empty or too many tickets were sold at deep discounts. Using digital data about the behaviour and transactions of individual customers, Delta was one of the first airlines to adjust seat pricing for optimal revenue potential in near real time – “and it saved their business,” Danforth said.
Encouraged by Delta’s success, Loblaw shifted its own marketing focus from customer segments to specific shoppers.
“What we asked when we started this is ‘what do individual customers do?’” said Danforth.
The ability of newer technologies to collect, process, analyze and aggregate huge amounts of data allows Loblaw to “make 10 million promotional decisions on a weekly basis” in almost real time, he said.
Paper vs. personalization
“We said you can build a (paper advertising) flyer and you’re going to be wrong 95 per cent of the time or you can let us build you 10 million digital flyers” personalized for each shopper, Danforth recalled.
(Loblaw is consistently tight-lipped about the impact of PC Plus on its overall revenue stream; the company includes results for PC Plus within those for its financial services division instead of breaking them down separately. But Danforth did reveal that the loyalty program now has 10 million active members, up from 6 million in 2014.)
He urged retailers to always base marketing on customer needs rather than on their own business needs. At PC Plus, that means sending each customer offers on specific items they actually buy, not sending them coupons for products they never buy just so Loblaws can shift certain inventory, he said.
“The second you decide what the customer should be seeing instead of relying on the data (about what they really want) is when you’re not doing personalization, you’re imposing your will on them … It’s direct marketing but it’s not personalization.”
A global survey released last September appears to bolster Danforth’s argument that consumers prefer marketing that is personalized for them. The Aimia poll of 20,000 consumers in 11 countries found that only eight per cent feel they receive better offers from companies in exchange for sharing their data.
The study’s authors concluded that “businesses are not using customer data to personalize and tailor customer experiences effectively,” with only 23 per cent of consumers saying they receive communications from businesses that are “highly relevant to them.”
Friday, 11 March 2016
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing in broader sense is a mix of business growth strategies in digital form. It is different from traditional marketing in terms of the use of components and methods that support an organization to review marketing strategies and understand what is gaining results and what is not in actual and practical terms. However, the basic business promotional principles are still the same- to gain the customers. It's not the different field of marketing but a new approach of strategies which gives a clear insight of the customer. Or we can say a different channel of marketing the products which is closer to the customer.
The traditional marketing techniques suffers mainly due to two broad reasons:
Firstly being one way communication method of just letting the customers know what the business wants them to know and lacks a dialogue between the customer and the business. Secondly, lack of real time picture of the business which is very much prevalent in online business promotion. This leads to a very limited information of the product with the customers and to the limited range of the market. Also, the business lacks the clear information of what the consumer thinks about their product which leads to less scope of feedback and limited scope of changes.
Aim of digital Promotion:
The digital promotion comes into picture with the key objective to build brands, increase preferences and sales by incorporating various digital marketing techniques while reviewing things like what the customers are viewing and for how long, how much sales is converted, what technique is working etc. This is not only confined to internet. The telephonic promotions, IM, etc also have their role.
Importance of digital marketing
The internet is becoming the need of today's buyers. They have the access to information anytime and at anyplace they want. Now the customer is not dependent to the information that you want to pass on to them but with the ever gaining source of digital media they want to know what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. They build the image of the product as per feedbacks as well. Today the buyers want the companies that are close to them and can communicate the relevant, personalize information and which is trustworthy also. To whom they can directly interact as per their convenience.
Advantages of internet marketing
With the multichannel approach of digital promotion it gives the exposure to the company to give personal attention to the customers, understand their needs and provide the same with an opportunity to expand their business as well. The real time picture of the users helps the business to make changes in the marketing techniques and on the same hand gives opportunities for R&D and business expansion.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Win big by keeping your website fresh and active
To be online doesn't mean that just a website will work. To be available to customers your website must be active. Search engines keep a look on fresh active sites and contents. If you have a website but you have not posted anything relevant for long then most probably you are behind your competitors. The users may not be able to find you and you might be losing the market that you have gained so far. To keep your site fresh and active, we at Sanicon digital solutions have a team of experts who not only post a new content on your website but are available for your help in promoting your brand and gaining bigger market by using various modes of digital marketing.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
BMW's Digital Reboot
A former Google manager has to revamp
BMW's digital strategy and spearhead connected driving options at the world's
largest luxury carmaker, business weekly WirtschaftsWoche has learned. CEO
Harald Krüger will present a new strategy for the 100-year-old carmaker next

Krüger, BMW’s chief executive since last May, will celebrate the carmaker’s
100th anniversary on Monday, but the truly important event will take place
a week later.
50-year engineer will next week present the luxury carmaker’s strategy
until 2025 and the main focus will be digitalization, business weekly
WirtschaftsWoche, a sister publication of Handelsblatt, has learned.
subject of digitalization cuts across every area of the company,” Mr. Krüger
told WirtschaftsWoche. “That must be optimized.”
is still the world’s largest maker of luxury cars, but it is seen as
a laggard in developing a successful electrically-powered car as Silicon
Valley-based Tesla Motors has done. There are also fears that Google, Apple and
ride-sharing firm Uber might overtake the Munich-based firm when it comes to
connecting the car to the Internet.
boost BMW’s digital operations, the carmaker has recently named former Google
manager Jens Monsees as its vice president for digital strategy, the
highest-ranking digitalization post at BMW, WirtschaftsWoche has learned.
the company will announce a partnership with Austrian IT firm Loxone
Electronics next week, when BMW will also present its annual results. Loxone
Electronics offers the connectivity of almost all electronic functions and
devices and appliances around the home.
will most likely bring to the cooperation its home storage battery and its new Open Mobility Cloud, an
online platform that makes available such things as the charging status of
electric car batteries, the weather report and movie theater schedules.
Krüger also plans to restructure BMW’s development department as the carmaker’s
digitalization and IT department are in a trench war and two high-ranking
managers, leading electronics and IT respectively, are not working as team
players, WirtschaftsWoche has learned from people familiar with the matter.
development department’s restructuring could start on April 1 – no joke – and
could result in a new executive board position for digitalization, the people
told WirtschaftsWoche. Mr. Krüger declined to comment on the planned changes.
Mr. Monsees, a 45-year old business economist, will become the new
digitalization executive was not clear, but in his currernt role as vice
president digital strategy he reports to BMW strategist Markus Schramm, who
does not sit on the executive board.
Monsees had worked at BMW before he left for Google seven years ago. As
automotive director at the Internet giant, Mr. Monsees developed digital marketing
strategies for all the major German automobile companies. Following that, he
restructured sales and information technology (IT) as chief digital officer on
the executive board of Arvato, a marketing subsidiary of Germany’s
largest media group, Bertelsmann.
Monsees is slated to build up a new division with a staff of about 20 that will
bring under one roof the group’s existing projects and devise new business
models, from car sales over the Internet to 3-D printing in production to use
of big data, which means analyzing huge amounts of data and discovering ways to
benefit the company.

Monsees is considered to be a digital innovator. The first time he worked for
BMW, he developed BMWTV, an award-winning Internet website that featured videos
about the company’s events and new products.
digitalize a company means not only to introduce new technologies but above all
to change the organization, culture and communication,” Mr. Monsees once said
at a public appearance.
has lost ground in automotive engineering and innovation compared with that of
the competition. In an index based on data from the Center of Automotive
Management, BMW ranks behind five other automakers.
a problem that Mr. Krüger inherited from his predecessor, Norbert Reithofer,
who is now BMW’s non-executive chairman. Mechanical engineers and engine
developers still rule at BMW, while IT and software personnel are “at the very
bottom of the food chain,” according to an insider involved in digitalization
projects at BMW. “IT functions are regularly forgotten or thought about too
late in the development,” the person said.
hasn’t succeeded in hiring enough IT experts, and hundreds of such positions
are still open. The current 4,000-plus software experts are overworked, one
employee said. After a number of reshufflings, the source said, the
division is on the verge of incapacitation, it has an extremely bad reputation
inside the company.
Mr. Monsees wants success, then he’ll have to convince the BMW boardroom to
break with traditions. That also includes being more aggressive in presenting
Elon Musk of Tesla Motors makes a show of presenting himself as the bringer of
salvation to electric mobility and the decentralized supplying of energy, the
Bavarians tend to make themselves appear rather small and conventional. The
whole world is talking about Tesla’s solar-electric home battery pack,
Powerwall, but no buzz exists about what BMW recently presented: its comparable
home system to charge electric cars.

can’t leave the public discourse about the future of the automobile industry to
Tesla or Uber,” Mr. Monsees said recently.
his mission, Mr. Krüger will present out the comprehensive digitalization
strategy for now through 2025. At the same time, he will have to address the
company’s problems in its traditional business. Car sales are not running as
hoped, above all in Germany. Daimler is about to dethrone the Bavarians in
their home market.
3 series and 5 series are getting me nowhere,” said the owner of a dealership
that sells about 4,500 BMWs and BMW Minis annually. Sales of the BMW 1 series,
however, are lagging behind expectations as is those of the 2 series Gran
Tourer. At the moment, a discount of 20 to 40 percent is offered on some
all else, Mr. Krüger must improve BMW’s presence on the Internet. So far,
BMW customers in Germany have been able to order only the electric cars i3 and
i8 online. In Britain, the whole range of BMW vehicles is available via the
Internet. The British dealers are connected with customers via phone, live chat
and email.
model is “very successful” said Mr. Krüger, which is why BMW is examining
“expanding it worldwide.”
also is key is what Mr. Krüger has planned for the “sad subject of i,” as one
BMW dealer referred to the company’s electric cars.
Krüger’s predecessor had carbon-fiber models developed while competitors were
making cars built with sheet metal and aluminum frames. Even with special
equipment and low prices, sales of the BMW electric models languished. Ever
since it became known that new models were coming with more powerful batteries,
few customers were interested in the older versions. BMW has sold only 50,000
i3 and i8 electric cars worldwide since 2014. Tesla sold that many electric
Model S cars alone last year.
Krüger is now putting his hopes on the crossover i5 – as well as government
subsidies for electric cars.
guests at the anniversary celebrations this coming week might be especially
hopeful and happy about new developments at BMW. Namely, the guests are the
members of the Quandt family. As major shareholders, the Quandts received €815
million in dividends from BMW last year.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
4 Reasons why mobile apps are must for businesses.
You have a business website and is sure that the mobile applications are not worth for businesses or if they do, then they are meant for a big brands only, then most likely you have to reconsider. Mobile applications are gradually gaining a crucial role in business promotion with bigger market span. As more number of users are available on the smartphones, small and medium sized businesses are taking the most of the benefit from it. In fact, you must have seen almost every business that you come across has its own mobile application.
Here are four reasons that will make you think to proceed onward the way at some point or another.
Be Visible to Customers at All Times
Individuals are more accessible on mobiles. Indeed, a bigger number of individuals are utilizing cell phones than desktops or laptops. . In spite of the fact that, the part of mobile applications is small bunch yet it is critical for a business. The time spent in scanning, locking and opening the mobile, unknowingly record each picture and message (or application icon) it goes over — regardless of the possibility that it happens unnoticed.
Make a Direct Marketing Channel
Applications are intended to fill some needs. They give general data, costs, booking forms, user accounts, search choices, news and lot more. Indeed, every bit of data that you wish to give to your clients is right at their fingertips. The push messages assist in direct connection with the customers by providing information on sales and other promotional activities.
Upgrade Customer Engagement
Whatever business you are into, your clients must have a way to contact you. Rather than making calls or coming to your outlet, it is beneficial that they book their request in only a few clicks with your application. Clearly it makes a distinction. It additionally helps in making a superior client experience and positive impression.
Increase client reliability
This is one of the real explanation behind building an own mobile application. Amongst all the noise of promotional tactics like banners, billboards, newspaper ads, flyers, coupons, emails, social media promotions, the customer may lose its direction. To gain the customer and making them loyal of your brand mobile apps play a vital role. In fact, it is a strategy for remaining nearby and fingertip far from them.
Actually, the future of business relies on upon the amount of close you are to your clients and how effortlessly they can reach you. Mobile applications have given a stage to both clients and business to stay associated on smartphones. Furthermore, it offers you to let individuals some assistance with returning to you and allow you to engage them in one way or the other.
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